avenge definition bible. The word used for shout in Luke 18:39 is quite different from that used in Luke 18:38. avenge definition bible

 The word used for shout in Luke 18:39 is quite different from that used in Luke 18:38avenge definition bible Here are avenge, revenge, vengeance and related words in the Bible

A - Quick Reference Dictionary. - Rejoice over her, thou heaven. The same Hebrew term is used of the. God’s vengeance does not come from the seat of revenge, but the seat of justice. Here are avenge, avoid, bare, go back, let and related words in the Bible. Answer. Goel is the participle of the Hebrew word gal'al ("to deliver," "to redeem") which aside from its common usage is frequently employed in connection with Hebrew law, where it is the technical term applied to a person who as the nearest relative of another is placed under certain obligations to him. Leaf from the Morgan Picture Bible, "Scenes from the Life of Absalom", c. . Avenger of blood. 42 I will make My arrows drunk with blood, while My sword devours flesh—the blood of the slain and captives, the heads of the enemy leaders. A venge means the a chievement of justice. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. Wesley's Explanatory Notes. Wait for the LORD to handle the matter. The Fascinating Love of God: Devotions With John Piper. See examples of AVENGE used in a sentence. avenge meaning: 1. Strong’s Hebrew Concordance explains that the word used here—naqam—means “avenged, quarrel, vengeance. Vengeance. and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 1 Samuel 24:12 Context. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Deuteronomy 32:35. NKJV. Both the Hebrew and Greek words translated “vengeance,” “revenge,” and “avenge” have as their root meaning the idea of punishment. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. First things first. Answer. 19 Ye shall keep my statutes. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD . In these examples, avenge implies that the evil inflicted on the injuring party is a satisfaction or justice done to the injured, and the party vindicated is the object of the verb. In summary, the law of retribution or the law of retaliation may be a legitimate guide for criminal penalties administered by governmental authorities, but it is not to be used as the basis for personal revenge. Readers often wonder what the Bible means when it speaks of “bloodguilt. (5) Lest by her continual coming she weary me. (archaic) To treat revengefully; to wreak vengeance on. He lives only to avenge the murder of his family. ‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them. People revenge themselves on somebody or are revenged on them (with the same meaning): He was later revenged. AVENGE; AVENGER. a-venj ´ a-venj´ẽr: Avenge. e. We wait on Him because He is God and we are not. a-venj' a-venj'-er: Avenge. Biblical Definition of Vengeance. Leviticus 19:18 Context. Study the definition of Vengeance with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments. “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. 7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. -The general idea connected with this word is that of inflicting punishment upon the wrongdoer. , avenge or punish Hebrew: נָקַם, nāqam (H5358) 31 King James Bible Verses. avenge in American English. World English Bible to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me. NET Bible Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God's wrath, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. to pursue. Romans 12:17-21. And shall not God avenge his own elect. The widow of the East, unless she has powerful friends, is absolutely helpless. , that which proceeds from justice, means (a) "to vindicate a person's right," (b) "to avenge a thing. EXB. ”. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of. The Bible has it that you reap what you sow. "But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and. Being in readiness to punish every [insubordinate. 32 “For He will be handed over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and mistreated and spit upon, 33 and after they have scourged Him, they will kill Him; and the third day He will rise again. Avenging (10 Occurrences) Luke 21:22 for these are days of avenging, that all the things that are written may be accomplished. This Aven is by some supposed to be the once magnificent Heiropolis, "city of I the sun," now Baalbek (Balbek) of Coele-Syria, whose ruins are one of the wonders of the ages. " If seven lives are taken to pay for killing Cain, Seventy-seven will be taken if anyone kills me. go'-el (go'el, "redeemer"): Goel is the participle of the Hebrew word gal'al ("to deliver," "to redeem") which aside from its common usage is frequently employed in connection with Hebrew law, where it is the technical term applied to a person who as the nearest relative of another is placed under certain obligations to him. Romans 12:19 in all English translations. Luk 18:3. This example is the exception--not the norm. a·venged , a·veng·ing , a·veng·es 1. For the voice of him that reproacheth and blasphemeth; by reason of the enemy and avenger. The LORD judge between me and you, and the LORD avenge me of you: but my hand shall not be on you. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. to do harm to or punish the person responsible for something bad done to you or your family or…. Avenge, Avenger: ek, "from," dike, "justice," i. A venge means the a chievement of justice. ”. If the miscarried baby dies, although no harm was intended against it, the judgment is manslaughter, and the accused can become a victim of the avenger of blood ( Genesis 9:6; Numbers 35:9-34; Deuteronomy 19:4-13; Joshua 20). Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” [fn] says the Lord. Most Searched Bible Verses Translations, Meanings, Complete Red Letter Bible Words of God in dark red Words of Jesus in light red. With the YouVersion Bible App, you can read, watch, listen, and share on your smartphone or tablet, and online at Bible. Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary. Should I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?” 10 I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains, a dirge over. It thinks about what is honorable in the sight of all. 3. vowed to avenge their murdered father. King David, the psalmist most associated with imprecatory verses such as Psalm 55:15, 69:28, and 109:8, often used phrases like, “may their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them” ( Psalm 35:6. The avenger of blood is usually the nearest male relative of the murdered person. e. . Vengeance is the noun used to describe the action of revenge. The prior verse mentioned souls who had been slain for their witness of the Word of God. You take revenge on a person. Tools. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. I tell you, God will ·help [provide justice to] his people ·quickly [or suddenly]. This was to ensure that Cain would live out his days and endure the consequences of his actions. ) To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc. ; to exact satisfaction for, under a sense of injury; to avenge; -- followed either by the wrong received, or by the person or thing wronged, as the object, or by the reciprocal pronoun as direct object, and a preposition before the wrong done or the wrongdoer. HELPS Word-studies 5097 timōréō (from 5092 /timḗ , "perceived worth" and ouros , "a guardian") – to act as guardian with the authority to also mete out punishment (literally, assign due retribution) – as it. 8-15. The Bible says our God is just and that He is the avenger to whom we should entrust the injustices done to us. ”. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples(Liberty Bible Commentary, Vol. They ask God how long it will be before He judges and takes vengeance on those who shed the martyrs' blood. Rom 12:18. The message of Romans 12 flows from the previous text, where Paul established the principle of righteousness by faith. ; Shall not God avenge his own elect. The definition of avenge is to get revenge for or punish someone for a wrongdoing. - King James Version (1611) - View 1611 Bible Scan and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. ”. Romans 12:19-20. You take revenge on a person. The human avenger is tied closely to the. 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. ESV / 7 helpful votes. 20 Therefore "If. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God's wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in. past simple and past participle of avenge 2. Tools. (Hebrews goel, from verb gaal, "to be near of kin, " "to redeem"), the nearest relative of a murdered person. Douglas Horton. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. New King James Version You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. Avenge me. ”. Humble ourselves and let God take control. present participle of avenge 2. ) All justice ultimately is in the hand and heart of God. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to lead the Israelites out in battle to avenge His Name among the Midianites (Numbers 31:1-2). 20 Therefore. When God brings vengeance, his heart is not. Also below are examples within Bible verses highlighted in yellow (follow this link to go there). 2. In flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. ”. Morning and Evening. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. To inflict pain or injury in return for an injury received. 'Avenge' and 'revenge' are similar words in spelling, sound, and meaning. I and my Bible study came across a somewhat difficult passage recently. Tools. That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. English Revised Version and there was a widow in that city; and she came oft unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. He murdered them in a time of peace to avenge blood shed in war. With no one to defend her or plead her cause, this widow was ever a prey to the covetous. Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people. Luk 18:1. Rom 12:20. The band’s name is derived from a verse in the Bible and band members have confirmed that the name has a biblical meaning. ) To take vengeance; -- with. The key verse regarding this truth is found in the Old Testament and. God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. 6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. “A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green. “You shall not murder. It was his right and duty to slay the murderer ( 2 Samuel 14:7, 11) if he found him outside of a city of refuge. Bible reference: Ps. " These verses illustrate the accidental miscarriage of the unborn. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[ a] says the Lord. KJV Dictionary Definition: revenge revenge. you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a. Verse Concepts. translate this sentence, "I will avenge their blood, and not leave it unavenged"--i. , the "innocent blood" mentioned in Joel 3:19; but the promise seems rather to indicate, as in the English Version, the extension of God's pardon to those hitherto unpardoned. ( v. Amplified Bible Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice and maintain the rights of the afflicted and destitute. ) To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc. tr. Therefore. 'Avenge' in the Bible Lev 19:18 Tools Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. 1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 2 saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: 3 and there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. Revenge is harsher and/or less concerned with justice than with retaliating by inflicting harm. ”. According to this verse, the souls under the altar cry out for vengeance. When people reject the Holy Spirit and listen to a. Genesis 4:24 chapter context similar meaning "If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. Leviticus 24:17-22 - ‘If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death. God is the only one who can exact revenge and show mercy at the same time. Christian Standard Bible Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. An avenging angel has the specific purpose to right a wrong and to bring justice where otherwise God would extend mercy to His people. --That is, the person who inflicts punishment upon the evil-doer for a wrong experienced by himself (from naqam, "to avenge"; Psalms 8:2 et al. “Be happy, it drives people crazy. Put together, the two root words mean “God will sow. To avenge the murder of his brother. Avenge definition, to take vengeance or exact satisfaction for: to avenge a grave insult. ). O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low. What is avenge mean in the Bible? word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time; "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad- "to, near, at. The atonement of Jesus not only paid the penalty. Bring the beauty and truth of the Bible into everyday life. "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord". His brother. t. II, p. In the Bible, the phrase “God will avenge me” is used to describe the act of God taking revenge on someone who has wronged another person. Clear Advanced Options. In the Bible, the phrase “God will avenge me” is used to describe the act of God taking revenge on someone who has wronged another person. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Love the stranger. Verse 20. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. t. [1] Joab had two brothers, Abishai and Asahel. b. Here are abide, agree, appoint, X avenge and related words in the Bible. to take vengeance on behalf of, as for a wrong. ”. Luke 18:8. God promises to execute perfect justice in the Day of Judgment. He who loves not man does not know God, for God is love. Avenge definition: to take vengeance or exact satisfaction for. The petitioner was a woman and a widow, the latter being in the East a synonym for helplessness. ” “Vindication” is a little different, meaning. translate this sentence, “I will avenge their blood, and not leave it unavenged”— i. Father, destroy every evil hand and voice fighting against my glorious destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. ” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. They seem to be almost forsaken and cast down, and their enemies triumph. See examples of AVENGE used in a sentence. 3. ( n. REVENGE, v. x. Luke 18. Absalom kills and murders a man, and also meets an untimely death. Compare All Versions: Romans 12:19. "Non bientot, mais bien rite" (Godet). HELPS Word-studies 5097 timōréō (from 5092 /timḗ , "perceived worth" and ouros , "a guardian") – to act as guardian with the authority to also mete out punishment (literally, assign due retribution) – as it seems best in the eyes of the punisher . 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? Read full chapter. t. And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. Rom 12:19. QUARREL. An ambassador is an official representative of a king or government, as of Pharaoh ( Isaiah 30:4 ); of the princes of Babylon ( 2 Chronicles 32:31 ); of Neco, king of Egypt ( 2 Chronicles 35:21 ); of the messengers of peace sent by Hezekiah, king of Judah, to Sennacherib, king of Assyria ( Isaiah 33:7 ). When humans seek their own revenge, it displeases God. In this context, a good name represents a person’s character, which is the most valuable thing about their identity. Lest innocent blood be shed in your land that the your God is giving you for an inheritance, and so the guilt of bloodshed be upon you. e. Here are avenged, quarrel, vengeance and related words in the Bible. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Luke 18:6 Context. Deut. It meets us in 1Corinthians 9:27, and is there rendered "I k eep under my body. avenged synonyms, avenged pronunciation, avenged translation, English dictionary definition of avenged. Romans 12:19 - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 82 instances. t. 99. e. Then God said murder will come upon you Avenged Sevenfold. Recognizing the value of consistent reflection upon the Word of God in order to refocus. He later avenged himself on his wife’s killers. 99. The word Jezreel comes from two Hebrew root words meaning “to sow” and. A Living Sacrifice - Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. The team is out to avenge last week's defeat. Vengeance was understood to be a necessary means for. As he did in a few years after the death of Christ, when God's elect among the Jews were singled out, and gathered in from them, and were delivered from their persecutors, and saved from temporal ruin and destruction, whilst the Roman army made sad havoc of their enemies; and so will he. By promising sevenfold vengeance to Cain, God. avenging definition: 1. The righteousness of God justifies His wrath. "O Lord - revenge me of my. serving to gain vengeance. Luke and St. t. Luke 18:7. V. Like the Biblical Absalom, Absalom Kumalo was at odds with his father, the two fighting a moral and ethical battle of sorts over the course of some of the novel's most important events. ” 15 “Not so!” replied the LORD. King James Bible Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies: New King James VersionJustice means giving a person their due. And hauing in a readinesse to reuenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. Retaliation is when we take matters out of God’s hands and insist on fixing things ourselves. R evenge means r etaliation. to exact of the murderer the penalty of his crime, [A. The NKJV translates Romans 12:19 as “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. The biblical idea of vengeance is rooted in the belief that God is sovereign and dependable and that vengeance belongs to the moral order of the universe (Jer 51:56; Ezek 17:19). This article will be exploring the meaning of the phrase “God will avenge me” in the Bible. The prefix “a” means “on” or “towards. 18 Thou shalt not avenge thy selfe nor bere hate in thy mynde against the childern of thi people, but shalt loue thy neghboure eue. ” Young's Literal TranslationCompare Bible translations of Leviticus 19:18 using all available Bible versions and commentary. He wants to avenge you speedily. , that which proceeds from justice, means ( a) "to vindicate a person's right," ( b) "to avenge a thing. 1. 1 Sam 25:39. Asahel was killed by Abner in combat, for which Joab took revenge. transitive verb. Here are avenge, revenge, vengeance and related words in the Bible. World English Bible A widow was in that city, and she often came to him, saying, 'Defend me from my. AVENGER OF BLOOD ( גּﯴאֵ֔ל, redeemer; fully, גֹּאֵ֣ל הַדָּ֔ם, redeemer of blood ). To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. this word and avenge were formerly used as synonymous, and it is so used in the common version of the Scripture, and applied to the Supreme Being. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. See examples of AVENGE used in a sentence. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Avenger. Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God : for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord. “ Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Their prayer may be classified as an imprecatory prayer, a prayer that. Recompense to no man evil for evil. KJV Holy Bible Large Print Center-Column Reference Bible, Black Leathersoft with Thumb Indexing, 53,000 Cross References, Red Letter, Comfort Print: King James Version: Holy Bible, King James Version. Berean Study Bible Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. 513 King James Version (KJV) Bible verses with Greek word ποιέω, poieō (Strong's G4160) meaning: to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct). God is Love. Avenge - Jeff A. Note. Verse Concepts. avenge [sth] ⇒ vtr. Avenge, Avenger: ek, "from," dike, "justice," i. ”. 8 Their tongues are deadly arrows; they speak deception. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. The word used for shout in Luke 18:39 is quite different from that used in Luke 18:38. This is the most straightforward, literal answer. 1 Timothy 5:8. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? 18. ESV / 7 helpful votes. com In the Bible, an avenger of blood is a person legally responsible for carrying out vengeance when a family member has been unlawfully killed or murdered. It is preceded by an article, "the vengeance" or "this vengeance. Two words summarize these wicked oppressors: arrogant and aggressive. Daily Bible Reading Plans. e. ” (Comp. 28 Then Samson called out to the LORD: “O Lord GOD, please remember me. In De 32:35 Romans 12:19 Hebrews 10:30 Jude 1:7, means retributive justice- a prerogative of God with which those interfere who seek to avenge themselves. , the “innocent blood” mentioned in Joel 3:19; but the promise seems rather to indicate, as in the English Version, the extension of God’s pardon to those hitherto unpardoned. ) Nor bear any grudge. Outdo one another in showing honor. He spilled that blood on his own waistband and on the sandals of his feet. 1 Samuel 25:33 chapter context similar meaning copy save. Jesus. REVENGE, v. HELPS Word-studies Cognate: 1556 ekdikéō – to dispense justice, carrying a judgment. she came unto him] Rather, she kept coming to him. Since emphasis may be placed upon the deed itself, the wrongdoer, or the injured party, the verb is found an intransitive (only Leviticus 19:18; see below), transitive (2 Samuel 4:8 et al. In order that this law might be guarded against abuse, Moses appointed six. New Revised Standard Version Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to lead the Israelites out in battle to avenge His Name among the Midianites (Numbers 31:1-2). Save: $5. Vengeance. A Lament over Zion. Hebrews 1:7 chapter context similar meaning copy save. - That no man go beyond; or, transgress. The meaning of the verb גָּאַל֒, H1457, is to loose, set free, redeem, vindicate; in the case of homicide, to vindicate the right of man to life, to free the land from the pollution that follows upon the spilling of. Personal revenge puts the avenger in the place of God as Judge and Executioner making the avenger a usurper of divine authority. 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the. ” Douay-Rheims BibleWebster's Bible Translation And Moses spoke to the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves for the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD on Midian. Lu 18:3 A widow. The band name “ Avenged Sevenfold ” is in and of itself biblical. 1673, John Milton, “ [Sonnet. 99 (30%) Buy Now. " If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, Truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. As he did in a few years after the death of Christ, when God's elect among the Jews were singled out, and gathered in from them, and were delivered from their persecutors, and saved from temporal ruin and destruction, whilst the Roman army made. Amnon. “ ‘Do not mate different kinds of animals. REVENGE; REVENGER. Nevertheless when the. 2. In the Bible, the phrase “God will avenge me” is used to describe the act of God taking revenge on someone who has wronged another person. Ultimately God is the go'el ( Isaiah 41:14 ). O God who avenges, shine forth. In these examples, avenge implies that the evil inflicted on the injuring party is a satisfaction or justice done to the injured, and the party vindicated is the object of the verb. Tools. In Hebrew, the word for vengeance (naqam) refers to divine retribution. And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou. The Bible says that our God is just and that He is the avenger to whom we should entrust the injustices done to us. Avenger. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength. GOEL. Strong's Greek 1556. 20 Therefore if. As the Lord has declared he will not let sin go unpunished (Nahum 1:3). Here are avenge, punish, revenge, surely and related words in the Bible. Proverbs 20:22. Note. Samson's Vengeance and Death. When we want to retaliate, we should keep in mind that causing another person harm will never undo the harm we have already endured. To inflict pain or injury in return for an injury received. People revenge themselves on somebody or are revenged. But modern usage inclines to make a valuable distinction in the use of these words, restricting avenge to the taking of just punishment, and revenge to the infliction of pain or evil, maliciously, in an illegal manner. Usage: I punish, avenge myself on.